Fellowship Programs

Earthwatch Australia

Fellowships to provide secondary students with environmental science and conservation fieldwork experience.
Three Earthwatch Student Challengers crouching and studying the ground in a remote setting.

The George Alexander Foundation Student Challenge Program

Since 2011, The George Alexander Foundation has supported fellowships through Earthwatch Australia's Student Challenge Program, secondary school-level environmental science and conservation research expeditions.

Student Challenge expeditions provide students in years 10-12 with hands-on experience in the field, working alongside qualified scientists on genuine research projects.

The program seeks to immerse students in scientific research, improve school science participation numbers and, ultimately, encourage secondary school students to pursue careers and tertiary qualifications in the environmental sciences. Teachers are encouraged to refer students who appear to have a genuine interest in science and environmental studies but who might be at risk of discontinuing the subjects at senior school.

The GAF Student Challenge Program allows 30 students annually to participate in ongoing research programs.


All in all, it was an amazing experience that has helped us both to decide on our careers in Environmental Science. If we had not been sponsored we never could have made the trip... we hope that other young environmentalists are given the chance to attend.

Student Challenge fellow

Earthwatch Student Challenge Expeditions

Since 2011, the Foundation has awarded 350+ Student Challenge fellowships for various research expeditions. Student fellows have conducted over 15,600 hours of research, making significant contributions to research into Australia's complex environmental problems. 


Protecting the Reef's Coastal Frontier, QLD

Ecosystems of the Murray River and Mallee, SA



Underwater Landscapes of Queensland's Islands, QLD

Melbourne's Microbats, VIC

Turtles on the Move, VIC

Australia's Vanishing Frogs, NSW

Sailing for Seagrass, QLD

Student Challenge fellows.

How to apply.

Further eligibility details and how to apply can be found on the Earthwatch Australia website.

Earthwatch Australia

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